R1 Rifle Fundamentals
This 1-day course is geared toward the beginner or beginner+ student and is designed to build the rifle fundamentals. You will learn the proper procedures for safe handling of a rifle, etiquette for shooting at a range, rifle manipulation and operation, how to clear basic stoppages, shooting fundamentals, and an intro to moving and shooting. The entire course of instruction will occur on the range.
This course, or similar course offered by a reputable company, is a required pre-requisite for all other higher rifle courses offered by LDW.
CLASS SIZE & DURATION: The class size is 2-5 students. This class is 8 hours and will include two 10-minute breaks and a 1 hour lunch.
**The range location and range safety rules will be emailed to you after payment.**
- Semi-Auto AR-15 rifle with optic (sighted in at 25 or 50 yards) and a sling already attached – The rifle must be cased when arriving to the range
- Single magazine holster
- Proper belt specifically designed for range use
- Minimum of five (4) rifle magazines
- Water and lunch/snacks to sustain yourself for 8 hours
- Sunscreen (the entire class is held outdoors rain or shine)
- Layers for varied weather situations and/or extra clothing
- Closed-toed shoes are required (no sandals) and no low-cut shirts or tank-tops
- Ammunition (400 rounds) – factory manufactured full metal jacketed target ammunition ONLY - Steel penetrating core, i.e. NATO green tip ammo or reloads are NOT allowed on the range
- Knee and/or elbow pads (if desired)
- The items below are required to shoot on the range:
- Hat with brim
- Ear Protection - electronic with sound amplification preferred so you can clearly hear all instruction given while on the range
- Eye protection rated for shooting sports
**You must be at least 21 years old to attend this course**
**The range location and range safety rules will be emailed to you after payment.**
Rifle fundamentals
After taking the pistol class through LDW, I knew I had to take the rifle class when it was offered. I'm not too experienced when it comes to rifles but this class made me feel right at home. Learned a lot of about body positioning for different scenarios and how to move safely about while rifle is in hand. Covered and trained on different drills to finding cover to going prone to tactical reloads to how to clear malfunctions and more. This is an excellent course for anyone that is looking to "up" their rifle training. Looking forward to the next rifle class that LDW offers.